The Happiest Days of our Lives

Testo The Happiest Days of our Lives:

When we grew up and went to school

There were certain teachers who would

Hurt the children in any way they could

“OOF!” [someone being hit]

By pouring their derision

Upon anything we did

And exposing every weakness

However carefully hidden by the kids

But in the town, it was well known

When they got home at night, their fat and

Psychopathic wives would thrash them

Within inches of their lives.

Traduzione The Happiest Days of our Lives:

Quando crescemmo e andammo a scuola

C’erano certi insegnanti che volevano

ferire i ragazzi in ogni maniera possibile

“OOF!” [qualcuno picchiato]

Coprendo di ridicolo

Ogni cosa che facevamo

E rendendo pubblica ogni debolezza,

sebbene opportunamente celata dai ragazzi

Ma in città, era risaputo che

Quando loro tornavano a casa la sera, le loro grasse e

psicopatiche mogli li avrebbero picchiati

fino a farli a pezzettini.

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